Operator Team
The Operator Team section of the Operator form
sets details when the Operator Type is SALES TEAM.
These settings are described below.
Operator Team
This is the function of the Operator assigned the
following commission. Functions given are Collector,
Sales, Legal and a number of others. For each
function you can assign an Operator at a
specific commission rate. You can have multiple
Operators responsible for one function, just as
you can have one Operator assigned to multiple
Function 1
You can have up to sixteen members in a team.
Teams can also consist of only one member.
Each team member performs a function at a
specific commission rate.
This is the ID of the Operator assigned the specific
function. The Operator's commission will be
incremented by the Transaction Commission
Amount times the Member Commission Rate.
Press F2 to choose from your list of operators.
Only Operators with the ACCOUNT IS DISABLED switch
OFF will appear in these lists.
Member 1
You can have up to sixteen members in a team.
Teams can also consist of only one member.
Each team member performs a function at a
specific commission rate.
Values in this column are commission rates assigned
to each specific function. This is the commission
rate of the team member. Transaction commissions are
multiplied by this percentage to determine the
Operator's commission in the Operator Analysis report.
The total of all member commission rates is calculated
and automatically entered into the Team Commission
field. The total should never exceed 100%.
Commission 1
You can have up to sixteen members in a team.
Teams can also consist of only one member.
Each team member performs a function at a
specific commission rate.
Account Access Security
When using the account access security system in
Collect!, you can set up a series of teams and then use the
Sales IDs to control access to your accounts. Teams can be
nested within other teams as needed.
Please refer to How to Restrict Access to Accounts for details.
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